Workshops to Help You Retire With Confidence

Non-financial retirement planning for those in or near retirement, so you know what to do next.

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Retirement isn’t all about finances.

When people think about Retirement they tend to think, “Will I be able to afford it?” Unfortunately, when your only focus is money, you forget to ask other important questions such as…

What will you do each day once work is done?

What does retirement look like for you?

How will you fill your day when you have

no meetings to attend?

Are you and your partner on the same page

about retirement?

Where will you live? Close to the kids, or not?

How many rounds of golf can you play before

you get bored?

Successful Retirement Requires Planning.

Savvy retirees know good things don’t happen by accident, they happen with proper planning.


Clarity of Direction

Know what you want to do in retirement.

Defined Purpose

Define who you are once your work is gone.

Peace of Mind

Explore your options knowing you have a plan.

Your Retirement Guide

Hi, I’m Karen!

I’m a Passionate Personality

Many couples (and individuals) enter retirement because they believe that’s what they are supposed to do. I know because that’s what I did.

However, after three years of retirement, I realized there’s a lot more to it than just dollars and cents, which is why I created My Retirement Roadmap.

Now, I help savvy individuals make the most of their retirement by creating a plan to address the things that catch them by surprise once they’ve left the workforce, even if means they might want to rejoin in a different way!

Karen Midyet Coaching Aging Adults

Don’t wonder what you’ll do next.

Your Steps to a Purposeful Retirement:


Join Waitlist & Enroll

Join the waitlist and wait to enroll in a workshop!

Create Plan

Attend the workshop and develop your personal retirement plan.

Retire Confidently

Retire with purpose and a plan instead of a prayer

Are You Wired Correctly for Retirement?

When was the last time you thought about retirement? When you checked your IRA or your 401K? What happens if retirement doesn’t work for you? Will you get bored traveling? Will you live near children or somewhere else? Is your spouse on the same page? Without a daily routine, will you sit around and watch TV all day?

Many people retire because they hit the “magic age” but have rarely given any thought about what retirement means for them. Companies don’t prepare you for retirement, and you won’t know if it will work for you until you’re in it. Then what will you do?

The Five Retirement Personalities

For the perpetual worker, retirement “feels like something other people do, but not me.


Retirement is a chance for to explore and plan all the possibilities and adventures that may lie ahead.

Retirement may be a time of anxiety and worry about the future — be it money, health, friendship, or purpose.

This active personality type sometimes seems busier in retirement than they were at work!

Retirement is an opportunity to explore, be creative, and to find new pursuits.

Do You Know Your Retirement Personality?

There are many reasons to start “looking into” retirement. You may have reached or soon will reach the magic retirement age, or you might be tired of working.

After 30 years of working with older adults as a therapist, I was ready to stop working. So I did, for three years, until I realized “traditional retirement” didn’t align with my personality.

To help others enter retirement confidently, I developed this quiz based on my experiences to help you visualize yourself in retirement based on your personality, so make the right choices and can enjoy what you’ve worked so hard to attain.

Retirement Workshops

Many people retire because they hit the “magic age” but have rarely given any thought about what retirement means for them. Our workshops are designed to help you think through the next phase of your life.

Life Design Workshop 1 & 2

Held online via Zoom
Dates: TBD
More Details in Our Facebook Group

What You will Learn During the Workshop

  • The Different Stages of Retirement.
  • How to avoid retirement “crashes.”
  • Are you wired for retirement (You might be surprised at what you learn)?
  • Your retirement priorities (They’re probably not what you think).
  • Your ideal retirement lifestyle.
  • Are you are your partner on the same retirement page…not everyone is?
  • What do you want to do in retirement?
  • How to craft a vision for your retirement (Have you considered what YOU look like in retirement?)
  • Learn to develop a retirement plan so you can retirement confidently.
  • …And Much More.

If you’re on the fence about retirement this workshop will help you get clear about what retirement looks like for you by developing a plan you can use to start exploring your options right away.

toolkit for aging adults

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Don't wait for an emergency to orgainze your forms! Use this checklist to get documents in order for your parent, partner, adult kids or friends.

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