Your Mind Matters

Your Mind Matters

At some point, the worry of losing your memory may have crossed your mind. The brain is a complex thing, many different things are happening all at once. It isn’t uncommon to forget a name or not be able to recall why you just opened the fridge. According to Cynthia...
Get The Most For Less

Get The Most For Less

Many worry about the quality of life after retirement. Especially when it comes to the amount of money in the bank. There are plenty of ways to live comfortably and save money post retirement. I’ve compiled a list below.  Take advantage of free entertainment...
Marriage After Retirement

Marriage After Retirement

The dynamic of your relationship may change in retirement. While you were working you may have been living parallel to your partner, thus making it difficult to live in concert. This may be especially true if both of you are now retired. Or perhaps you are still...
Aging is a Mindset

Aging is a Mindset

It probably comes as little surprise to you that aging is a mindset. We know that our thoughts and perceptions shape our worlds. But would it surprise you to know that people with more positive attitudes on their own aging lived approximately 7.6 years longer than...
What the heck is the Age Tech industry?

What the heck is the Age Tech industry?

Last week, I interviewed Patrick Baker about the different ways in which our personal information (“the Holy Trinity”) can be used to scam us. Even though some of it can be accomplished through technology, there are also many opportunities to use technology to improve...
Scamming Their Way Into Your Wallet

Scamming Their Way Into Your Wallet

“Scammers are getting more and more sophisticated as they use both technology and psychology to trap their victims”, Patrick Baker of Prime Life Tech tells me. Using what professionals call “social engineering”, scammers are looking to elicit a reactive emotional...
toolkit for aging adults

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toolkit for aging adults

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