As we age, maintaining good health becomes increasingly important for a happy and fulfilling life. The good news is that there are many simple changes you can make to your lifestyle to help improve your overall well-being and increase your longevity. From keeping your mind sharp by trying new things to maintaining important doctor appointments, these small steps can make a big impact on your health. It’s also important to focus on your emotional well-being and seek help if necessary, as seniors are more susceptible to depression and anxiety. With the right approach, aging can be a positive experience filled with purpose and joy.

Your lifestyle factors can contribute to better health and active aging which leads to a longer life and more longevity. There are some simple changes that can make a great difference to your overall well-being. 

Keep your mind sharp

It is important to keep your mind stimulated. Trying new things can help quicken your mind. Try learning a new language or picking up a new hobby. 

Stay connected

Combat feelings of loneliness and isolation by building your relationships into your routine. Be intentional about spending your time with loved ones. Invite a friend to lunch or have a family member over dinner. 

Ensure your diet and exercise is right for you 

As you age you need fewer calories BUT you need more nutrients. Make sure you are eating nutrient rich foods full of whole grains and vitamins, and healthy fats For exercise, don’t push yourself too hard in the beginning to avoid injury and burnout. Activities like swimming, walking, and water aerobics are low-impact exercises. Even a small increase in light activity, such as washing dishes, a little gentle gardening, or shuffling around the house will have you reaping the benefits in no time. Being sedentary, for instance, by sitting for long periods of time, has been linked to an increased risk of developing many conditions, like heart disease. More important is that excercise create positive endorphins in your brain-which increases happiness and reduces depression.

Keep up with your appointments

Many people avoid the doctor due to fear. Fear of the unknown can be taxing on your mind and body. What many don’t realize is preventative care is critical to ensuring you stay healthy as long as possible. Undergoing regular screenings for things such as bone density, skin cancer, blood pressure and more can help seniors avoid detrimental conditions that will impact their health and well-being. Furthermore, doctors can give them helpful advice on how to lengthen their lives. Family members can provide emotional support for aging loved ones by attending these appointments. Family members can also be your advocate to make sure your doctor listens and takes you seriously. If you do get many orders, family can help remember the details, which sometimes is hard to do when you are under the stress of being at an appointment.

Refine your purpose

No matter a person’s age, we need a sense of purpose, of belonging, and of being valued. Senior adults are often dismissed as no longer having as much to offer as they did when they were younger, and unfortunately, this attitude becomes adopted by the seniors themselves. Seniors have a lot to give in terms of knowledge, love, and creativity, but they have to feel they are respected and involved to share with others. Finding ways to put purpose into action is the goal of what I help people do!

Check-in with yourself frequently

Seniors can be susceptible to depression. It is a serious, debilitating disorder that is not a natural part of aging. Family and friends should encourage a senior loved one to seek out treatment if they seem depressed. There are many types of depression, but some common symptoms include:

  • Persistent sadness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping and concentrating
  • Aches and pains without a physical cause

At a vulnerable stage in their life, depression may threaten their physical and emotional health. However, they and those that love them can create a new beginning to make life fulfilling again. Seek assistance from a healthcare professional if you experience any troubling symptoms. 

Taking care of your health during aging is of the utmost importance. By incorporating healthy habits, engaging in physical and mental activities, staying connected with loved ones, and seeking medical help when necessary, you can lead a happy, healthy, and long life. Embrace your age, and remember that your health should always come first. With the right lifestyle choices, you can ensure that your golden years are just that – golden.

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