Creative Aging

Creative Aging

As we continue to grow older, it is becoming increasingly important to explore the concept of creative aging. Creative aging refers to the use of arts, music, and culture to enhance the quality of life of older adults. The idea is that engaging in creative activities...
Second Chance Careers After Retirement

Second Chance Careers After Retirement

Retirement can be a time of excitement and uncertainty, as individuals are faced with the prospect of leaving behind a long-standing career and embarking on something second chance careers. While many retirees choose to simply enjoy their newfound free time, others...
Friendships As We Age

Friendships As We Age

As we get older, our social circles tend to shrink, which can leave us feeling lonely and disconnected. Retirement and relocation can make it even harder to maintain long-time friendships, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make new friendships as an...
Letting Go With Retirement

Letting Go With Retirement

Retirement can mark a significant transition in life! This provides a chance for reflection and reevaluation of priorities. While some may view retirement as a time to relax and do nothing, it can also be an opportunity to let go of things that no longer serve you and...
toolkit for aging adults

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toolkit for aging adults

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